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What specific evidence does John Palfrey give for his claim that “the use of the internet cuts in favor of democracy?”

Formatting directions:

All homework assignments needs to be completed in MS Word, submitted to Canvas on time, single-spaced and in Times New Roman or Cambria font.

Read the Following Directions:

  1. Read both the linked article and the first three statements in the linked debate in the Week Nine course module.
  2. Answer the below questions in 1-2 sentences—include the questions with your answers.


  1. In his interview, Cass Sustein argues that “extreme” positions are sometimes—but not always—bad. Explain the difference between unreasonable and reasonable “extremes.”
  2. What did Sustein’s experiment in Colorado demonstrate about political in-talk? How does that relate to internet “filtering?”
  3. What specific evidence does John Palfrey give for his claim that “the use of the internet cuts in favour of democracy?”
  4. How does Evgeny Morozov think the internet can become a tool for authoritarian dictators? How do Western companies potentially contribute to the problem?

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