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What are three types of hazardous atmospheres?

here is 13 qs I need a help to do it but please make sure that my friend did the same assignment with u guys so I need different answers to be in the safe side and please I need very good work. also I will attach some files that u need to do the assignment.


1. What is OSHA’s Standard for Confined Spaces?

2. What are the three criteria for a space to be determined to be a confined space?

3. What were the causes that the workers at Xcel Energy died?

4. How could the worker’s death been prevented?

5. What must be done before a worker enters a permitted space?

6. What are the characteristics of a permit-required confined space?

7. What are three types of hazardous atmospheres?

8. At what concentration does an atmosphere become oxygen deficient? (Hint: you

may want to see OSHA’s definition of an oxygen deficient atmosphere)

9. When is training required for a permitted confined space?

10. How can an employer prevent unauthorized entry into a confined space?

11. What are the duties of a Confined Space Entry Supervisor?

12. What is the most important PPE for a confined space?

13. If the respirator is oxygen deficient what type of respirator must be used?


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