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The Master of Arts in Transportation and Logistics Management examines complex supply chain and logistics systems, functions, and activities both on a national and international level as well as from a practitioner perspective. DISCUSS.


The Master of Arts in Transportation and Logistics Management examines complex supply chain and logistics systems, functions, and activities both on a national and international level as well as from a practitioner perspective.

Week 1: Research Topic

After completing this week’s lesson and reading, share your initial research topic.

Please pick any topic dealing with Transportation Logistics Management

Your initial post should be at least 275 words, please include two direct questions.

Required reading:

Writing the Winning Thesis or Dissertation: A Step-by-Step Guide (3rd Edition) by Randy L. Joyner, William A, Rouse, & Allan A. Glatthorn 978-1-4522-5878-2 2012

Supplemental Book: Research Design By John W. Creswell 978-1-4129-6557-6 2009


Annotated Bibliography

Bibliographic Resources

After completing this week’s lesson and reading, share the authoritative resources you will be reviewing for your research. Your initial post should be at least 275 words and include two direct questions.


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