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Romantic Relationships often involve commitment, a strong psychological attachment to a partner and an intention to continue the relationship long in the future. DISCUSS.

1) WATCH the following movie

The Notebook (2004), Director: Nick Cassavetes

2) WRITE a paper in which you indicate and define (in your own words) the six key concepts. Then clearly describe the examples you found in the movie that illustrate each chosen concept. Assume that your reader has never read the textbook nor seen the movie. In other words, you must be very explicit and detailed in both your definitions and your examples.

6 Key Concepts:

• Loving: in contrast, is vastly deeper and more intense emotional experience and consists of 3 components: intimacy, caring, and attachment.

• Commitment: Romantic Relationships often involve commitment, a strong psychological attachment to a partner and an intention to continue the relationship long in the future.

• Experimenting: The experimenting stage is , during which you exchange demographic information (names, majors, where you grew up.)

• Terminating: During the terminating stage, couples might discuss the past, present, and future of their relationship.

• Romantic Betrayal: Is defined as an act that goes against expectations of a romantic relationship and, as a result, causes pain to a partner.

• Romantic Relationship: A chosen interpersonal involvement forged through communication in which the participants perceive the bond as romantic.


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