Review carefully the statistics presented by “If Americans Knew” at http://www.ifamericansknew.org (also summarized in the PowerPoint slides) and showing:
Israeli and Palestinian Children Killed, September 29, 2000 – Present
Israelis and Palestinians Killed, September 29, 2000 – Present
Israelis and Palestinians Injured, September 29, 2000 – Present
UN Resolutions Targeting Israel and the Palestinians, 1955 – 1992
Current Number of Political Prisoners and Detainees
Demolitions of Israeli and Palestinian Homes, 1967 – Present
Israeli and Palestinian Unemployment Rates
Current Illegal Settlements on the Other’s Land
Daily U.S. Military Aid to Israel and the Palestinians, Fiscal Year 2013
Based on these statistics and the central arguments made in the textbook, write a thoughtful essay (200-300 words) in which (1) you summarize the significant facts you have learned from comparing and contrasting these statistics and (2) you explain why predominantly Christian America has supported and continues to support the Jewish Israelis who do not believe in Jesus against the Muslim and Christian Palestinians who do believe in Jesus, and who are clearly the underdog (“In fact, a good case can be made that current U.S. policy conflicts with basic American values and that if the United States were to choose sides on the basis of moral considerations alone, it would back the Palestinians, not Israel”, Mearsheimer and Walt, page 80).

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