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Research resume building and incorporate the research into building a solid resume.

Students will develop a resume highlighting his/her strengths to run for public office in the year 1860.In creating this resume, students will highlight personal decisions made in solving moral problems or reaching an ethical conclusion to problems that existed in the United States in 1860 and how these decisions could play a role in the United States if he or she is elected. The focus of the resume should be directed toward the student’s understanding of the moral problems in 1860 and how he/she would personally solve these issues if elected. Additionally, students should remember the audience–the general public and me as the instructor.

General Requirements
1.Students must accurately identify personal strengths that will help him/her win the election.

2.Students must highlight and defend his/her position on key societal issues relevant to the year 1860.

3.Students must identify and incorporate into his/her resume knowledge of previous U.S. political elections to enhance his/her resume.

4.Students must avoid racial slurs, vulgarity, and other offensive language in constructing the resume.

5.Students must meet instructor requirements for formatting and citation for the assignment.

6.Students must use proper grammar in writing the resume.

7.Students must create an authentic assignment (no plagiarism). The assignment will automatically be submitted to Turnitin.Com. See the Academic Honesty Policy for the course. Students scoring over 40% on the Turnitin submission will receive an F for the assignment.

Formatting Requirements

1.The resume must be constructed using Twelve Point Font Times New Roman

2.Students must use at least one primary source in the paper. See the links to primary source explanation below.

3.Students must cite all resources used for the paper. A minimum of three sources is required for this assignment. Again one of the sources must be a primary source.

4.Students must cite the sources according to Chicago Manual of Style. The sources should be listed on a separate bibliography page. Please note that on the Panola library page you can find citation machines to assist you in citing sources.

5.Students are to go online and research resume building and incorporate the research into building a solid resume. Be sure and cite your source in your bibliography.


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