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Identify the promoted unique selling proposition (USP) for your brand and the USP of its likely competitors.

The paper should be exactly correlated to the file that I will upload to the order.

Assignment U3
Outcome: Form the basis of your competitive analysis
1. Produce a means-end chain for your BPS, using the impressions of its home country or where possible: the likely impressions of customers in your EMs. Note: you may have lucrative segments in your EMs that are different in your home market. Thus you may have more than one means-end chain for your BPS, because you could be capturing more than one segment’s impressions/aspirations.

Rules: For each brand, start with five features (tangible attributes), and include at least three functional benefits/psychosocial implications), and at least two values. To determine the psychosocial implications and values, you may need to look at ads, websites or social networks.

2. Select a visual metaphor for each major psychosocial implication or value of each brand in CS

Rule: Do not represent a feature or function with your visuals. Do not use any images used by the brands. You should find images that reflect values or ideals associated with what consumers believe the BPS will help bring into their lives.

3. Identify the promoted unique selling proposition (USP) for your brand and the USP of its likely competitors.

a. Provide your reasoning and source for each USP – this may include marketing communications or social media references


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