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Identify resources for students and teachers that can help to enhance social studies learning.

When you implement a social studies unit with a broad theme, you should prepare to provide students with a wide-variety of resources. Resources may include children’s literature and technology, as well as resources you find in the community.

As you plan your Thematic Unit, you are required to identify resources for students and teachers that can help to enhance social studies learning. More specifically, you are required to identify

9 children’s literature resources

9 technology resources

2 community resources

Each of your resources should include

an APA-formatted citation

one-paragraph summary

explanation of how you would use the resource to teach your unit of study

description of how you could use the resource to integrate the arts


Ajmera, M., & Ivanko, J. D. (2004). Be my neighbor. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge.

One of the books I chose to go with my unit about Communities is called Be My Neighbor by Maya Ajmera and John D. Ivanko. This non-fiction text introduces children to different neighborhoods, homes, and people throughout the world. The book also shows and talks about different schools, places of worship, places to play, and places where people buy things they need. Not only do children learn about how people are different, but also about all the ways we are alike. The book is filled with colorful pictures that help children visualize the various neighborhoods and people all over the world. Different methods of transportation and community celebrations are shown. Another section of the book discusses how neighbors look out for one another, help each other, and make each neighborhood a better place. The last pages of the book contain a world map labeled with the names of the countries that are pictured.

Be My Neighbor could be used in an introductory lesson as a read aloud to students. While reading and discussing the book with students, I would be able to check students’ prior knowledge, interest level, and questions. Students could also use the book to assist in making a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting neighborhoods.

Pictures in the book could help students gain ideas when building their 3-D neighborhoods. Students could also use the book for ideas for role playing jobs in the community.


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