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How are we called to be cooperators with the Holy Spirit? Explain.

Creed 6: In a one page reflection, share your impressions of the Video. How are we called to be cooperators with the Holy Spirit? Explain. VIDEO: https://vimeo.com/63600507

Creed 7: In a one page reflection, share your impressions of the three parts of the Vi deo. What hope for the Church and the world do you draw from the election of Pope Francis? Explain. VIDEOS: PART 1: https://vimeo.com/64230201 – PART II = https://vimeo.com/64311798 – PART III – https://vimeo.com/64582857

CREED 8 : In a one page reflection, share your impressions of the three parts of the Video. How do you keep your own flame of faith alive as you journey through life? Explain. VIDEO PART I – https://vimeo.com/72056211 VIDEO PART II – https://vimeo.com/72062823 VIDEO PART III – https://vimeo.com/72198818

CREED 9 : In a one page reflection, share your impressions of the first two parts of the Video. PART I – https://vimeo.com/72761632 – PART II – https://vimeo.com/72761630

CREED 10: In a one page reflection, share your impressions of the last two parts of the Video. – PART I – https://vimeo.com/72761631 Part II – https://vimeo.com/73414270


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