Autobiography of a Face
By Lucy Grealy
Reaction Paper Assignment Details
Respond to the following questions, as well as thinking about your personal reactions and reflections as you read this text:
- Give a brief summary and your personal reaction to reading this text. What lessons/ideas/perspectives stood out to you while reading this book? How can you apply this information to your everyday life (career and/or personal life)?
- Discuss the incongruities between how Lucy sees herself and how others see her.
- Explain how Lucy’s feelings toward her illness evolve over the course of the text.
- How are her relationships with her family members impacted by her illness?
- How does Goffman’s theory apply to Lucy’s situation? Is she stigmatized because of her diagnosis? Provide 2-3 examples from the text that relate to Goffman’s theory.
- What model(s) of disability (socio-political, functional, biomedical) would be most applicable to the way Lucy sees herself? Be sure to explain your reasoning with examples from the text.
Please consider using the following guide as a tool to help you organize your paper:
Formatting notes:
- Please submit your paper as a Word document via Assignments in Oncourse.
- Please use 12 point, Times New Roman as your font.
- Margins should be 1 inch all around.
- Please include a cover page that provides your name, the title of the paper, and submission date.
- Please title your file in the following format: Last Name_First Name_Grealy Paper
- Be sure to include both in-text citations and a reference page to give credit to your sources. The Grealy and Goffman texts should be included as references, as well as any other resources you use to explain models of disability. Please include proper citations, using APA or ASA style (Note: If you are a sociology major, ASA style is required). A couple good online sources for help with APA:, and a Purdue website: A good site for ASA is You can also get in-person help at the Academic Resource Center at IUPUC, located in the library, room LC 1616. The ARC phone number is: 812.314.8757
- Short quotes are fine, but please refrain from using lengthy quotes.
- This paper should be around 1500 words; a little shorter or longer is fine. Content is far more important to me than the length of your paper.
Regarding feedback on this assignment:
Please let me know if you would like detailed feedback on this and future papers. It takes significantly longer to grade papers this way, and while I am happy to do it, I only want to spend time writing detailed comments if you are going to take the time to read them. I will complete a grading rubric for everyone, which will show where you did well and where you lost some points, but I will only add notes with comments and critiques if you ask for detailed feedback. Please send me a message in Oncourse (on or before the due date) to request detailed feedback if you would like it.
Grading rubric on following page.

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