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Explain the procedure for disciplining employees.

Human Resources

The purpose of this assignment is review Human Resources policies and procedures within the company you are conducting your internship. You will compose a minimum 500-word paper to discuss your findings.

Select a manager who directly supervises you or one that you have observed managing employees where you are interning and interview them for this assignment.

Complete independent research to support your discussion of the paper topic (minimum of three external sources recommended).

Explain the procedure for hiring employees. Discuss:

How openings are advertised

Procedures for interviewing

Selection process

Company forms that are completed upon hire

Explain the procedure for training employees. Discuss:

Is training formal (i.e. – classroom) or informal (on-the-job)

Who is responsible for training hourly employees

How long is new hire training.

Explain the procedure for disciplining employees. Discuss:

How discipline is administered

Procedures for terminating employees

Include the name, title, and contact information for the manager that you interviewed for the assignment

Submission and Formatting Standards

Attach a WORD document or PDF file for your submission. Please note the following paper standards:

Minimum of 500 words (use Word Count under Microsoft Tools to ensure your submission meets the length standard). Submission Information (name, assignment name, etc.) or references do not count towards word requirement.

No typographical or grammatical errors


1-inch margins on the top, bottom, left, and right

12-point font (Arial or Times Roman)

Headings and, if appropriate, sub-headings used to help organize paper

Introduction with thesis sentence and a “roadmap” that lets the reader know the subject of your paper

Conclusion that summarizes your paper and reminds the reader what your paper was about

Citations for any ideas not the student’s own are fully and accurately cited so a third party can easily find the original source (APA format)

My company is UTN Las Vegas which is Japanese Travel Agency. Our Human resources manager’s name is called Machiko Kikukawa. We are small company so we don’t have Employment policy, so you can make it up. for the procedure for hiring employees, we are going to hiring a tour coordinator, for the details, you can make it up. Please let me know if you have any question, basically, you can just make it up by your knowledge. Please follow the requirement above. than you so much.


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