SOCI 1125 Introduction to Society: Processes and Structures
This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade. Due date:_____________________________________
- Your aim for this project is to develop an informed view on a subject related to the course, grounded in and supported by sociological research and analysis. Choose an article provided by the instructor from the “General Resources” folder of the course website. Explore the topic of the article in greater depth, using material from relevant chapters in the course textbook and research from at least THREE (3) additional scholarly resources (library books or peer reviewed journal articles). Videos, websites, news and magazine articles may also be useful but they will not be counted among the 3 scholarly resources required.
- Your paper must be 6-7 pages in length (1,700 – 2,000 words), typed and double spaced. Use 11 or 12 point font and normal margins (using a large font and huge margins doesn’t make your paper longer!). Give your paper a title and indicate your name, student number, course and section, the instructor’s name, and date on the first page or cover page (optional). Staple pages together, include the criteria for grading sheet at the end of the paper. No plastic covers or folders, please!
- The bulk of your essay should be in your own words. Sentences copied directly from your sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. Use direct quotations sparingly and wisely. Do not use them to do the talking for you or as “filler”. Incorporate them smoothly into your writing.
- All sources must be indicated with proper citations and a Works Cited List using ASA style or APA style. See the handout: Guidelines for Citations and Works Cited Lists for instructions. Include citations any time you refer to ideas or facts from outside sources: i.e. BOTH when quoting directly AND when summarizing the material into your own words. Include ONLY those sources you read, used and cited in your paper in your Works Cited List. Note that failing to include citations or to list sources used, and including sources that were not actually used constitute a form of cheating!
Your paper should demonstrate your ability to:
- Conduct library research to locate scholarly resources that are appropriate for sociological study and relevant to the topic chosen
- Use sociological perspectives and concepts in an analysis of social phenomena or issues
- Synthesize information from various resources, recognizing how the research fits together or supports differing perspectives
- Develop reasoned arguments supported by evidence from the research
- Make inferences from the research, recognize the implications of issues raised and suggest recommendations for further research and/or solutions where applicable
- Express ideas clearly in writing, organize points into coherent paragraphs and maintain an academic or formal tone
- Include proper citations to indicate sources of ideas, information, facts, statistics, and analysis presented and provide a works cited list, formatted using ASA or APA citation style

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