Maximum Word Length for Essay: 2000 words
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This assignment should meet the following learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of project Management principles including how to defing the project .
2. Evaluate the strategies and understand the constraints necessary when designing the project process .
3. Be able to deploy the necessary techniques, and use objective decision making to deliver the project within a pro-defined resource base.
Assessment Details:
The Essay:
As a business project management student, you are expected to understand the project planning process, making decisions based on techniques, strategic tools and deploy the necessary techniques to achieve the over-all goal of the project. In view of this, you can take any manufacturing or construction based companies in Oman and they should provide the details that show their knowledge, critical thinking, and application of theories and principles in practice. As such, you are required to answer the following questions:
1. Explain the project plan for any construction or manufacturing based companies project in Oman.
(i) Meaning of Project and Project Management
(ii) Definition of Business Project Management
(iii) Explain project life cycle 4 P’s.
(iv) Concepts of Business Project Management (time, cost and quality)
2. Brown Ltd is a listed company. The expected cash flows of three projects are given below. The cost of capital is 10 percent.
A) Calculate the payback period, net present value and internal rate of return of each project.
B) Show the rankings of the projects by each of the three methods and comment on your findings.
C) Why is payback commonly used as a way of dealing with risk in investment projects?
Project A
(in OMR)
Project B
(in OMR)
Project C
(in OMR)
0 (5,000) (5,000) (5,000)
1 900 700 2,000
2 900 800 2,000
3 900 900 2,000
4 900 1,000 1,000
5 900 1,100 –
6 900 1,200 –
7 900 1,300 –
8 900 1,400 –
9 900 1,500 –
10 900 1,600 –
3. Give the advantages and disadvantages of Payback period, NPV and IRR.
4. Explain the work breakdown structure with a WBS Chart.
5. Explain the Change Management Plan and the Risk Management Plan with the help of a table.
Each student has to prepare a questionnaire with a minimum of 7 to 9 questions they are going to ask their stakeholders which will help to draft the outcome of this project work. At least 7 references should be given as per the Harvard Referencing System.
Overview of Assignment: Business Project for (Manufacturing or construction Company in Oman)
Assignment Assessment Criteria
Topic Weight Weight
Introductions to project management
Definition of Business Project Management
{Its concepts (cost, time and Quality)}.
Project Life Cycle 4 P’s
Based on the format given in this assignment, students are required to prepare the project plan that includes the following:
a. Calculation of NPV, IRR and PBP
b. Advantages and disadvantages of NPV, IRR and PBP
c. Work Breakdown Structure
d. Change Management Plan
e. Risk Management Plan
Assignment summary 10%
Implementation of Harvard Referencing 10%
Total 100%

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