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Evaluate the steps in planning process.

Strategic Business Plan for a Restaurant
A strategic planning process for a business helps in creating a clear vision and mission and looks at the critical aspects necessary for steering it towards success (Mask). Bella Home-Feel Restaurant (BHR) will be a reasonably priced 20 seat restaurant that offers foods and services in a family style. Mashed potatoes, breasted chicken, generous salads, and hamburgers are some of the delicacies that will be on the restaurant’s menu. Additionally, specialty selections inclusive of lighter choices and smaller portions for a children’s menu will form part of the restaurant’s menu items. With a planned location in Grate Lanes Street, Texas, the restaurant will be owned by three classmates: Jane Wring, Brian Alladice, and Sammy Lee. The mission of the restaurant is to provide an exceptional relaxing dining experience likened to home.
BHR will appeal to a wide range of consumers in two main communities: the residential community and the business community. The selected location of the business was mainly chosen because of the growing number of households in the area. This business is intended to appeal to these households as it has been established that most household owners in the area are busy with work. The busy schedule leaves little time to prepare a family-like meal for themselves and their family members. Neighboring BHR in the selected area within a 4 mile radius are two other restaurants that may provide significant competition to the business: Berkafam Restaurant and Restpick Restaurant. Berkfam Restaurant is a 30 seat full family restaurant established in 2005 and runs as a sole proprietorship. Owned by two brothers, Restpick was established in late 2010 as a 40 seat restaurant and has a menu that offers home experience and comfort.
To establish a competitive aggression, BHR will adopt a competitive edge based on its people and the meals and services it serves. It is our belief that a business’ success is not only determined by the quality of the product or services it produces, but also its staff as well (AuBuchon). The employees that we intend to have are a reflection of the business’s values. Initially, our intention is to have our family members as the restaurant’s employees who will work for lower and reduced wages. In the long run, we will hire team more members that with careful selection and regard to the values of the business. Additionally, we intend to have a wide selection on our menu that incorporates menu options for children’s food and lighter, fairly priced orders. Furthermore, the restaurant shall be open seven days a week including public holidays, unlike our competitors who open six days a week and remain closed on public holidays.
BHR expects to hire 15 employees in the long run selected by the three business owners; Jane Wring, Brian Alladice, and Sammy Lee. We plan to adopt an effective interview process designed to select highly qualified employees for the restaurant’s various positions. Initially, the three partners will make up the management team of the business and will try to ensure the quality of products, provision of friendly customer service and control the business costs. We plan to make the business grow in the future by staying current with the industry trends. In this regard, we will have a web page, a twitter site, and a Facebook page and even e-mail orders from our customers. However, there are plans to hire a general manager, sales director and kitchen manager over time as the three partners do not have the necessary academic qualifications and experience to run the business.
It is within the plans of BHR to utilize a positioning strategy that will ensure that we position ourselves as the premier restaurant that serves home-style meals. Consumers have the belief that meals prepared at home have a higher quality and are healthier than meals prepared in restaurants. At BHR, we will prepare quality homemade meals with simple, wholesome ingredients. In addition, the three partners will see to it that the restaurant prepares and serves customers with healthier foods that reflect the latest trends in the food industry. Bella Home-feel Restaurant will be positioned as the modern home-style restaurant.


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