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Evaluate the list of “Major Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology”.

SOC-112       RESEARCH PAPER INSTRUCTIONS                                       10/13








            Analyze this article from the point of view of the Structural

Functional Theory, the Social Conflict Theory as well as the

Symbolic Interaction Theory.


            Use the list of “Major Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology”

(available on Blackboard) to organize your paper.




Please remember:


Papers are to have FIVE FULL pages of text (each page approximately 21 lines), a Title Page as well as a Reference Page containing at least two citations other than  the text book. (See Syllabus for full explanation)


            No late papers accepted (unless specific permission has been

granted prior to the due date).


            Papers are to be handed in during class on the due date.


            Do not wait until the date due to print your paper. Have an alternative              plan for delivering your paper on the date due. Papers may be                               turned in before the due date.      


            Additional copies of the article are available in Mr. Duffy’s mailbox in

Robert Frost Hall.










RESEARCH PAPER DUE DATE:____________________



Format for the paper is to be as follows:



            Introductory paragraph.


            STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONAL THEORY           explanation of theory


First Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Second Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Third Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Additional Characteristics…..and so on…..


            SOCIAL CONFLICT THEORY                  explanation of theory


First Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Second Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Third Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Additional Characteristics…..and so on…..


SYMBOLIC INTERACTION THEORY                 explanation of theory


First Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Second Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Third Characteristic…..

                                    Example from the article

Additional Characteristics…..and so on…..


Concluding paragraph.



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