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Discussion of the social impact of police brutality.

The following requirements are for all semester term paper assignments in classes taught by ProfessorEvery paper will have three sections: cover page, content pages and a works cited page.Pay particular attention to Section III-4 and Section IV-9.KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER(When writing papers for this course)NOTE on Word Processing Programs:Do Not submit a *.RTF file. Make sure you are saving your paper file as one of the following application formats.The following word processing applications or programs can easily be used in my courses:MicroSoft Office 2013, 2010, 2007, 97-2003Microsoft WorksOpen Office – (This is a free applications program accessible at www.openoffice.org and while it does not have all of the Micro Soft Office cutesy stuff, it is an excellent program.)Word Perfect – (Do not like this one anymore and not sure I can open this type of file.)The bottom line is this: If you are submitting a paper on-line and I cannot open your submitted paper, I cannot give you a grade for that specific course requirement.I. Technical Requirements1) See the Content Pages section for more specificity regarding the writing criteria of this paper including margins and font size.2) Margins – Margins are to be one & one-half inches all around, meaning top, sides and bottom. (Not the 1¼” default found in MS Word.) The only exception is the first content page, which has a two inch top margin (that page only).3) Page numbers – Bottom center is preferred (at least 1/2″ from bottom), however, every word processing program has its own idiosyncrasies so do your best, but be sure they are somewhere. Keep in mind that they are not part of the content page; they are considered a footer in most word processing programs.4) Name – The only place for your name is on the cover page. Do not put your name in an upper header with the page number or at the bottom.5) Use upper and lower case letters. Do not use all CAPS, and do not BOLD the whole paper (tacky, tacky, and tacky).6) Citations – When citing a source use the MLA or APA format. The complete source will be listed on the “Works Cited” page. Do not use footnotes in this paper.Make sure that you cite your sources within the paper itself and not just on the Works Cited Page.7) Headers/sub-headings: when using headers or sub-headings in a paper make sure that you have at least one line of text beneath. It is not correct to have a header or sub-heading at the bottom of a page and the first paragraph starting on the top of the next page. If you run into this type of situation just hit an extra return to take the header to the next page. An extra line of white space is preferable to a “widowed” header or sub-heading.II. Cover Page – This is a required part of the paper1) Always give your paper an original title unless you are given a specific title for the paper.2) The title must reflect the focus of the paper even though originality is always appreciated. For example, “Tears of Society: A discussion of the social impact of police brutality” could as easily discuss the anguish of an officer’s family dealing with the accusation of brutality as well as it might discuss the views of society concerning brutality.3) Center the information on the page in a manner that is pleasing to the viewer.4) First appearances do count. A neat cover page goes a long way towards any professor’s positive attitude when reading/grading your papers.III. Content Pages – (READ this section carefully)1) Page one: The first line on the first content page is the TITLE of the paper. Yes, write it again, even though you just put it on the cover page. Center the title on this line.2) Margins: For this paper all margins are 1-1/2”. That includes top, bottom and sides. Also, use a left justification for your paper. Do not use a center justification for your whole paper.3) Length of paper: The required length of any paper is given in the course syllabus; however, a 5-8 page paper means at least five FULL content pages, not four and one-half or four and seven-eighths; a minimum of FIVE FULL pages. Also, a 5-8 page paper means no more than eight pages. It is up to you to revise a paper that does not meet the minimum requirement or exceeds the maximum requirement. The same holds true if the required length is 6-8, 10-12, etc.4) Note: A paper that does not meet the minimum content page requirement or exceeds the maximum content page requirement will receive a grade of 50.5) Font Size: The font size for the content and Works Cited pages is 12; not 10, 11, or 14.6) Letter Style: Use Times New Roman throughout the paper.7) Numbering Pages: The first page of the content section is numbered Page 1 and centered at the bottom of the page.8) Note: The cover page does not count as a numbered content page.9) Spacing: Double-space your paper. (This is not a text, chat or twitter format.)10) Cites: Make sure that you properly cite the information within your paper. I expect to find your “Works Cited” material properly noted (meaning properly cited) throughout your paper.11) Quotes: If you are writing a quote, the rule of thumb is three lines or more require indentation and single spacing. If the quote is less than three lines just use quotation marks within the sentence.12) Paragraphing: Indent new paragraphs. Because you are already double-spacing, do not double, double-space between paragraphs.13) Contractions: Do not use contractions such as I’m, we’ll, don’t, can’t, won’t, haven’t in a paper unless it is part of a quote. Write it out, most of you will need to find something to fill space with anyway.IV. Works Cited Page (versus a Bibliography)1) The difference between a “bibliography” and a “works cited” page is that a “bibliography” lists all of the sources you have used in researching your topic whether you actually cite them or not, while a “works cited” page lists only those sources you have cited in your paper.2) Page Heading: On the first line of this page, in bold caps and centered, write the words WORKS CITED.3) Defining style: Use the APA of MLA for determining how to list your sources.4) Spacing FYI: Single space within each entry. Even if the MLA is showing you to double space the entries themselves, do not double space within a cited entry, use single spacing and only double space as noted in number 5 below.5) Spacing FYI: Double space between listed sources.6) Alphabetize the entries according to the last names of the author. (If there are multiple authors for a single used source, then the last name of the first author listed in the article or book is used for alphabetizing purposes.)7) If you do not know how to cite a source or where you can find the MLA, then contact an English tutors (or find a source online). That is what they are there for and they do want to help students. (They do not bite, but take a copy of these requirements with you when you talk to them.)8) Do Not Forget that if you are doing a paper on Criminal Justice Myths and Realities, your two movies count as two of the minimum five resources and must be listed on this page.9) NOTE: You are required to have a minimum of five references listed on the Works Cited page (as well as to have cited each one of them in the paper). FAILURE to have a minimum of five references will result in a letter grade of 50.the title to your paper here alsoWatch your margins, do not use contractions, use only Times New Roman 12 font.Make sure you cite the information needing to be cited within your paper. Make sure you have at least five (5) sources on your Works Cited page and that they are listed in alphabetical order and with the proper hanging indent. See the “Works Cited” example page to understand hanging indents.The second content page of your paper.Number your pages properly.Do not forget to cite information properly.The third content page of your paper.Do not use contractions such as don’t, didn’t, won’t, can’t. Spell them out.Below is how you put in a quote that is more than three lines long.“A study released by the IACP in January [2000] showed that police used force fewer than 3.5 times per 10,000 calls for service, and suspects were injured in fewer than 3 percent of the instances when force was used.” (Jost)Notice that it is singled spaced and indented on both sides as well as being cited.The fourth content page of your paper.The fifth content page of your paper.This is the very end of five full pages and is the minimum amount of information about your subject. My suggestion is that you go a few lines or paragraph more in order to be on the safe side and not get dinged for having too few complete pages.This is the beginning of the sixth page of the content portion of this paper. I would STRONGLY suggest that you make it to about half of this page so that you do not wind up with a grade of 50 because you did not have a minimum of five full pages.You can have up to eight pages, but NO MORE than eight.Works Cited”Attorney-client privilege.” West’s Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. 2008. The Gale Group 12 Apr. 2012 HYPERLINK “http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/attorney-client+privilege” http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/attorney-client+privilegeBrooklyn’s Finest. Dir. Antoine Fuqua. Perf. Richard Gere, Don Cheadle, and Ethan Hawke. Overture, 2009. DVD.Jost, K. (2000, March 17). Policing the Police. CQ Researcher, 10, 209-240. Retrieved from HYPERLINK “http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/” http://library.cqpress.com/cqresearcher/Lindsay. “Dissolving Myths About America’s Criminal Justice System.” Yahoo! Contributor Network. Yahoo, 7 Apr. 2011. Web. 12 Apr. 2012. .The Lincoln Lawyer. Dir. Brad Furman. Perf. Matthew McConaughey and Ryan Phillippe. Lionsgate, 2011. DVD.“Police Pursuits.” Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues &Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 1 Feb 2002. Web. 9 Apr 2012. HYPERLINK “http://www.2facts.com/article/i0700180” http://www.2facts.com/article/i0700180.Notice how these resources are listed in respect to what is called a ‘hanging indent’. You must have a MINIMUM of five sources listed. The movies constitute two sources and you can use your textbook as a third leaving only two other sources to search out and use.


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