Guided Project, Phase 1 of 2
The Project Research Proposal is a “blueprint” to developing your participatory action research project. It defines, in conjunction with your community partner(s), the focus of your project and expected outcomes. It spells out your ideas, strategies and plans for pursing your community change initiatives and it documents the overall action research process. This is a “working” document, which will change as you progress with this research. The proposal is a research paper because it provides quantitative and qualitative sources of information and evidence about your chosen problem, community, target population, project methods, evaluation, and project results.
Please use the following outline to prepare your research proposal. You are responsible for submitting one Project Research Proposal. Your proposal must address all parts of this outline.
2. Other Articles Attached.
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The introduction presents your research idea. It outlines the importance and significance of your idea. It includes:
a) Statement of the research problem and its significance:
The statement of the research problem identifies the overall problem being addressed and provides background research on the topic. This includes brief history of the problem and the extent and magnitude of the problem locally and nationally. Why is the problem important and why it needs to be addressed. Be sure to discuss the underlying root causes of the need/problem. Why is the problem occurring? Is the problem a symptom of a larger problem? What is the problem related to?
b.) Purpose of the Project:
Clearly identity the purpose for your project. What do you hope to accomplish?
c.) Research Question(s):
The research question will guide your project and it should be a clear and concise question that summarizes the issue you will address.
A literature review is a critical evaluation of previous research conducted by scholars and practitioners on a desired topic. It is an in-depth summary of a particular area of research, allowing the reader to understand the importance of the topic and reasons for pursing a particular research agenda. A minimum of fifteen (15) sources must be cited. All literary materials must be properly cited in APA format. Sources cited in the text must be listed in APA format. This is a substantial assignment and must be completed with time and care.
Describe the community being targeted for your project. Briefly describe its geographical boundaries, major characteristics, problems, and resources. What is the demographic makeup (size, racial/ethnic mix, social class, economics, geography, etc.)? The community can be as specific (e.g., a neighborhood) or as general (e.g., an entire city or rural area perceived and defined to be a community.) This section should also include:
a.) Community Needs Assessment:
Report the results of your own community needs assessment documenting the specific needs/problem as it exists in your community, including the community’s interest in addressing the problem. State clearly the steps you will take to acquire the needed information (e.g., interview the leaders/officials. research city documents, survey questionnaire, etc.), the methods you used (e.g., how you chose people to interview, what type of survey, the number of informants, etc.) and the results of your discussion with community stakeholders and what you discovered, review community documents, etc.) Plan to gather information from your conversations with stakeholders, and other community people. Be sure to devise a set of questions before hand as this might quicken the interviewing process. You are allowed to engage in informal discussions with stakeholders and community people to collect information about the community’s needs. Be sure to include the following in your community needs assessment:
* Community demographics
* History of the issue in the community
* Include all the stakeholders and their relationship to the problem
* Include community assets
* Include the community resources and needs

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