For this paper you can choose the type of health education resource you critique. You can select a sample of any of the following types of health education teaching materials: online pamphlets, online handouts or an Internet web site that focuses on health consumer education.
In preparing your critique refer to the (Suitability Assessment of Materials) SAM located in Rankin, Stallings and London (2005) pp. 238-246. Portions of Chapter 10 in Rankin, Stallings and London (2005) also discuss criteria for evaluation of Internet teaching resources.
Please indicate the electronic source of your health teaching resource in your paper so that your tutor can access it. Your critique should be approximately 5-6 pages in length, double-spaced, and typed using 12 font. As you critique the health education resource you will want to provide references to support the comments and points you make. Aim to use a minimum of 3 scholarly references in your critique.
It is expected that you will use American Psychological Association (APA) writing style format for this assignment and for the assignments that follow.
Evaluation Criteria for Assignment 2 – Critique of a Health Teaching Resource
Your critique should include the following:
• Introduction
• Discussion of qualitative criteria
• Discussion of quantitative criteria
• Discussion of technical and design characteristics ( e.g. illustrations, headings, color, font, graphics, sequencing, does the material engage the reader)
• Conclusion

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