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Discuss the role of criminal justice in terrorism.

the role of criminal justice in terrorism
Answer the questions below in a 350-400 word essay. Use 12pt. font, one-inch margins, and double-space your paper. When referencing the website either by paraphrasing or a direct quotation, use APA citation guidelines.

Using this chapter’s recommended Web sites, conduct an online investigation of the reporting of terrorism by the media.

Compare and contrast the reporting of political violence by the referenced media services. What patterns of reporting can you identify?

To what extent are the media services biased in their reporting? How so?

To what extent are the media services objective in their reporting? How so?

Here are the links resources;

Al Arabiya News Channel (Dubai):


•Al Jazeera (Qatar):


•BBC (UK):




•Dawn (Pakistan):


•Middle East Media Research Institute:



•SITE Intelligence Group (USA): http://www.siteintelgroup.org/


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