Below is a list of some of the ideas and concepts covered since the last exam. You do
not need to be able to discuss all of them. However, for you to demonstrate
comprehension of the material that we have been covering, you will need to be familiar
with at least most of what appears below.
Putting it another way: I do not expect you to be able to explain everything mentioned
below, just enough to put together a good essay in response to a generally-stated essay
question (similar to the ones given on the last exam).
You will have 75 minutes to take the exam.
For this units 7 and 8, you should be familiar with the following:
Why using inattentional and change blindness in the scientific study of
consciousness is not as straightforward as we might like it to be:
• how these experiments might be taken to show something about:
๏ the relationship between attention and consciousness
๏ the richness of our visual experience
• why we might think they don’t show this
๏ (based on the distinction between phenomenal- and access-consciousness)
Why using the case of hemispatial neglect, and some psychophysical evidence
(those experiments involving visual illusions) in the search for the neural correlates of
consciousness (NCC) is not as straightforward as we might like it to be
• what these experiments might be taken to show, and why
• why we might think they don’t show this
๏ (based on the distinction between phenomenal- and access-consciousness)
Report skepticism
• how report skepticism arises, in two steps, when trying to establish that we can
trust subjects’ reports (more specifically, those reports that are intended to indicate
activity in some brain area is not conscious)
• how this is problematic in the search for the NCC
• how report skepticism is related to external world skepticism, and inductive
• contrastive analysis
• dual-vision systems theory
• phenomenal- and access-consciousness
• scientific realism and anti-realism
• underdetermination
• empirical adequacy
van Fraassen’s constructive empiricism
• his view on construing theories “literally”
๏ how this differs from the positivists’ view
• what he means when he says that we should merely “accept,” rather than believe
scientific theories
• what he means by “observable”
Underdetermination argument
• the strong underdetermination arguments
๏ based on the limited imagination and generation problems
• superempirical virtues
๏ how these might help the realist
• the anti-realist’s response
๏ that superempirical virtues give only pragmatic, and not epistemic reasons
Argument against there being an observable-theoretical (observable-unobservable)
• Maxwell’s continuum of observability arguments
• van Fraassen’s responses
No-miracles argument
• the argument
• van Fraassen’s Darwinian response
• the problem with his response, as pointed out by James Brown
Pessimistic meta-induction
• the argument
๏ examples of theories that have been discarded
• the realist response
๏ what is meant by mature, predictive theories
๏ how this is supposed to help the realist
• anti-realist response:
๏ example of theory that was mature and predictive but false
๏ how this is supposed to defeat the realist response
Quotes from the text and readings should be used in a very limited fashion, if at all. All
uses of quotes must be accompanied by a reference to the source and the page
number. No quoting from the slides or lectures is permitted.
A good rule of thumb: Use no more than one or two quotes in each essay, and make the
quotes of a limited length (one sentence or less). Keep in mind that quoting material is
not a good way to demonstrate an understanding of it.
Finally, I have sometimes in the past received exams that read basically like a
paraphrase of what appeared on the slides in the lectures. This is not an acceptable
way to answer an exam question, and could even constitute plagiarism in certain cases.
Avoid this.
Given that the exam is open-book, and you have 75 minutes to write it, I will expect high
quality essays. A high-quality essay is one that demonstrates an understanding of the
issues, the positions of philosophers, and how these issues and positions relate to one
another. A high-quality essay is also well-organized. Consider outlining before you begin
writing. Come up with and use examples whenever possible, as this is often a good way
to illustrate your understanding of the material. Take care to stay within the rules of
spelling and grammar. State thoughts clearly and simply. You are welcome to include
your views in your essay if they are clearly expressed and well-argued, but this is not
necessary for doing well on this exam.
There will be some other sources from this class upload that the writer can look for
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