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Discuss the outcome value of the innovation in an organisation.

The innovation will be to create a E-Report Card system for school, eliminating Paper report card, also Parent teachers conference day, parent teachers conference day is usually three day out of the school year, Sept-Dec, Dec-Mar and Mar-June at the end of each term the child parent have to leave work to meet with the teacher, report cards are not sent home with the children, to eliminate this problem, a video conferencing system will be invented this will improved on the old system which is parent teachers conference days , teachers will no longer have to be in school until 9 pm on conference day to meet with parent, this will be done through video conferencing, children will have three added days to their school year.

Reflective Paper There will be creative self-expression paper requiring a written analysis and a reflection on what you have learned about the utility of an innovative idea and how it can be applied to your workplace / personal or family life situation, using course content of Organizational Redesign and Innovation. Here are the general requirements for each write-up and oral presentation format.

Format: The reflective paper structure is based on the questions provided. The write-up should be approximately 5-7 pages in length (length does not include title and reference pages), double-spaced, 12 point font, and use of the recommended length for each question. APA formatting is required. Here are the questions for you to ponder in completing your reflective paper assignment:

• Think and observe something that you feel would benefit from innovation

• Describe the organization situation, event or object prior to the innovation

• What was the creative idea that led to this innovation?

• Discuss the outcome value of the innovation

• Be specific and give examples, so that the innovation is clear


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