PART A. Students need to do a compulsory question (40%)
According to the literature, there are four types of logistics/supply chain performance indicators. They are supply chain efficiency, supply chain responsiveness, supply chain flexibility and supply chain quality management. In addition, there are several logistics/supply chain practices to improve the logistics and supply chain performance. They are continuous improvement, strategic supplier partnerships, customer relationships, lean six sigma, agile supply chain and innovation. Please see Figure 1.
Please provide critical analysis on the recent literature review in logistics/supply chain performance indicators and logistics/supply chain practices. To support your answer, you may use any examples from Australian Agribusiness Firms (i.e Dairy, Fresh Produce, Red Meat industry etc).
Please note: you may choose one logistics/supply chain performance indicators and two logistics/supply chain practices.
Logistics/Supply Chain Practices:
1. Continuous Improvement
2. Strategic Supplier Partnerships
3. Customer relationships
4. Lean Six Sigma
5. Agile Supply Chain
6. Innovation
Logistics/Supply Chain Performance Indicators:
1. Supply Chain Efficiency
2. Supply Chain Responsiveness
3. Supply Chain Flexibility
4. Supply Chain Quality Management
PART B. Students need to provide a critical analysis of the article below (60%):
The implementation of supply chain management theory in practice: an empirical investigation
Authors: Edward Sweeney David B. Grant D John Mangan
Journal: Supply Chain Management: An International Journal

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