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Discuss the History of Marketing via Interactive Electronic Media.

An excellent list of references for this project usually exceeds 8 quality items. NOTE: Please provide the Internet hyperlink with all new research in your References area—I want to be able to quickly look at your articles.

This assignment requires you to primarily be a reporter, to explain the data published in the trusted literature. Research is a major part of this project. Only at the end of this paper do you provide your personal views.

The student submits a manuscript where they write 7 to 9 double spaced pages. Graphics, pictures, etc. are essential for these marketing projects and are in addition to the page count specified above. The paper will also include other pages in addition to the manuscript: cover page, table of contents, executive summary (also called an Abstract), and references. The paper is double spaced with 1” margins on all 4 sides. Thus, when everything is put together, the total pages will be in the range of 11 to 15 pages.

Topic: History of Marketing via Interactive Electronic Media (this topic MUST bring the historical review both to the current day and make predictions about the next few years.) Students must not talk about just the history of marketing since it’s too broad.

Research (25% of grade). The list should be accurate, the hyperlinks work. The number of items should be impressive (see guidance above). “Quality” is often reflected in the (a) journal (well known and respected), (b) author (the author is named and their profile has been checked, to make sure they are perceived as a credible authority, and (c) date (recent is valued more than aged data).

Writing Style (25%). Manuscript avoids typographical errors, poor sentence structure, etc. Proper in-text citing is used. Paragraphs deal with single topics and rarely contain more than 4 sentences. Sub-heads, tables/graphs, and graphics are all used. The reader is clearly able to follow the flow of data and arrive at a logical conclusion.

Content (50%). The reader senses the author has a deep understanding in the topic. This is seen in a variety of ways: (a) multiple references used to support a key item, (b) deep analysis is presented–it goes beyond the cursory level of understanding.


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