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Discuss the diagnosis of schizophrenia.

The Quiet Room questions

1. Lori Schiller is the author of this non-fiction novel. What happened to her?

2. Name the symptoms as they first appeared. What were the first signs of trouble?

3. Why did she receive a diagnosis of schizophrenia? Do you think this is the right diagnosis? What other symptoms did she have that would be consistent with other diagnoses?

4. What were the experiences of the family members when Lori became ill?

5. Do you think that the stigma of mental illness played a role in her treatment? Was it a role in her decision to write the book? What were some of the observable measures of the stigma?

6. What developmental phase was Lori in when she became sick? As a mental health worker, why is this important and what can you expect the impact would be when working with her?

7. Discuss the medications offered in her treatment. What sorts of side effects does she describe? Is this consistent with the side effects listed for these medications?

8. Describe the hospital treatment. Did anything surprise you as you read the book?

9. Why did Lori go back to the hospital so many times? What finally made the difference in her treatment?

10. MICA is an acronym that stands for Mentally Ill Chemical Abuser. Would you describe Lori this way? Would this impact her treatment?

Essay: If you could ask Lori a question not explained in the book, what would it be and why? How would this add to your assessment if you were the mental worker responsible for deciding treatment options?


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