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DISCUSS the Creation and the Ten commandments From the Hebrew bible.

The Creation and the Ten commandments From the Hebrew bible
Instructions- Use the attachment of the needed text to complete the Essay. The textbook used is called the humanistic tradition-book 1 sixth edition. Page 30 and 31

Choose one literary work, one artwork, OR one architectural work from those covered in the text and in class lectures in Unit 1 and

describe it in detail and

discuss your personal reaction/response to the work.

Also, for clarity purposes, please number the sections of your essay 1 and 2 (1=detailed description; 2=your personal reaction/response). Submissions without the numbering will receive an automatic deduction of 20 points.

This essay must be a minimum of 300 words.

Please include a word count at the end of your essay.

Essays without the word count included at the end of the essay will receive a deduction of 10 points. Emailing the word count after the essay has been submitted will not be accepted as a substitute.

Essays less than 300 words will automatically receive a grade of 0

for the assignment.

Students who falsify the word count will automatically receive a grade of 0 for the assignment.

Essays must be double-spaced and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Essays which are not double-spaced and/or in 12-point Times New Roman font will receive a deduction of 10 points.

Essays which contain more than 5 spelling, punctuation and/or grammatical errors will receive a deduction of 10 points.


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