A study of corporate social responsibility and its possible halo effect on consumer purchasing behaviours.
Dissertation = 12000-15000 words. Quantitative and Qualitative Research (SPSS analysis) are necessary. Writer should have SPSS analysis skill. The SPSS file should be submitted in a CD, please send the SPSS file when it’s done. If there is not much analysis done on SPSS, then it would be necessary to do more qualitative research. Focus group must be conducted at least 2 if with interview, 3 or more must be conducted if there is no interview. The transcript must be attached. References on this dissertation should be based on credible academic journal and other credible resources. Introduction and literature review should be 7000-7500 words. The example of the dissertation will be attached. Chapter 1 : Introduction (Introduction about the topic, research problem and question) Chapter 2 : Literature Review Chapter 3 : Methodology (You will need to explain why you use qualitative and quantitative, why is it necessary and how it will help the aim of this dissertation. Say again the main research question, research objectives, and relate it to the research methodology. Say how you will collect the data and who will be interviewee (describe them) and why them? Focus group describe the sampling method, and why do you choose them. Chapter 4 : Discussion and Findings (Includes the SPSS analysis and qualitative findings summary) Chapter 5 : Conclusions, Limitations, Appendix *Please see attached files for: 1. The original proposal 2. Past Dissertation Example
*Please see attached files for: 1. The original proposal 2. Past Dissertation

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