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Discus the characteristics of “The Odyssey”

The Odyssey
1. How is “The Odyssey” an epic?
The first characteristic of “The Odyssey” that makes it an epic is that it is a long narrative poem based on Odysseus’s vast mythical experiences. As Odysseus journeys across the sea, he interacts with many people and mythical creatures. In his journey, Odysseus comes to Ogygia, Aeolys Island, and the land of Cyclopes that are mythical creatures. Odysseus is also forced to visit the Underworld to seek Tiresias. The blind Tiresias has the powers to foresee the future and tell Odysseus whether his journey back to Ithaca would be successful or not. The second characteristic that makes “The Odyssey” an epic poem is supernatural powers and wisdom of its main character. Odysseus succeeds in stringing the bow that had all the other suitors failed to string. His ability to pull the bow’s strings shows that he had unmatchable and supernatural strength. Odysseus also uses great strength and wisdom to resist the beautiful Calypso, who imprisons him on Ogygia. Odysseus fights and defeats Polyphemus, a Cyclops, who is also Poseidon’s son. Another feature that makes “The Odyssey’ an epic poem are the conversations involving the gods and goddesses. The deities meet at Mount Olympus to discuss Odysseus’s future, and this demonstrates that Odysseus was important to both mortals and immortals.
2. Hospitality in “The Odyssey”
Hospitality is well demonstrated in “The Odyssey” on several occasions. For instance, Nestor and his subjects welcome Telemachus to their feast at Plyos although he was a stranger to them. Nestor asks Telemachus to identify himself after the feast and demonstrates how generous Nestor was. Later, Nestor gives Telemachus expensive gifts while his daughter, Polycaste, treats Telemachus kindly. Telemachus is also treated well by Menelaus, the Spartan king, when he visits the latter’s kingdom, and he receives gifts from his generous host. Odysseus meets Nausicaa, King Alcinous’ daughter, who treats him with great hospitality on the Phaeacian’s island. King Alcinous and the other lords of Phaeacia offer Odysseus numerous gifts although they do not know him. King Alcinous later inquires about Odysseus’s identity after treating him well.
3. The interaction of gods/goddesses and human in “The Odyssey” and “The Epic of Gilgamesh”
The gods/goddesses play an important role in influencing the lives of the characters in both stories. In “The Odyssey,” the goddess Athena decides to help Telemachus to ward off suitors bothering Penelope. Athena also assists Telemachus to travel to Sparta and Pylos. Zeus intervenes to have Odysseus released from Ogygia by sending Hermes to convince Calypso to release her captive. When Poseidon tries to kill Odysseus, Athena intervenes and rescues Odysseus from Poseidon’s fury. Gods/goddesses also interact with people in “The Epic of Gilgamesh” on several occasions. For instance, the goddess Aruru creates Enkidu after Gilgamesh’s subjects complained about his leadership. The god Shamash helps Gilgamesh and Enkidu to defeat the ogre, Humbaba.
4. How the biblical story of Joseph differs from The Koran’s version. What is the significance of the difference?
The biblical version of Joseph’s story has several differences from the Koranic version of the story. For instance, the biblical version indicates that Jacob wept for his dead son upon seeing Joseph’s torn and bloodied shirt while the Koranic version indicates that Jacob lamented for his sons’ souls. The difference is significant because the biblical version suggests that Jacob did not understand the evil nature of his sons while the Koranic version suggests that Jacob knew that his sons had killed their brother due to their evil nature.
The biblical version of the story points out that Jacob sent Joseph to meet his brothers while the Koranic version points out that Jacob was hesitant to allow Joseph to meet his brothers because he was wary of his sons’ characters. The Koranic version argues that Jacob allowed Joseph to go after much persistence from his brothers because he hoped that it would allow them to resolve their grudges.
Another example where the biblical and Koranic versions of Joseph’s story differ is on the issue where Aziz’s wife complained that Joseph tried to seduce her. The Koranic version suggests that Aziz’s wife realized that her husband had sensed some wrongdoing when he saw his wife and Joseph. Aziz’s wife quickly accused Joseph of trying to seduce her to prevent Aziz from regarding her as an adulteress. The Koranic version states that Aziz’s wife then proposed a harsh sentence on Joseph for his alleged crime although this was only meant to punish him for resisting her charm. The biblical version of the story does not offer an explanation about why Aziz’s wife accused Joseph of seducing her. In the biblical version,
Aziz’s wife is not forced to explain what transpired between Joseph and her. This is significant because the Koranic version implies that adultery was completely unacceptable while the bibliographic version implies that there were little restrictions on adultery. The biblical version also implies that Aziz was not concerned so much about his wife.
5. How 5 out of 11 Aristotle’s tragedy themes appear in Antigone and Medea
According to Aristotle, “plot” is the first tragedy theme, and it describes how incidences are arranged rather than the story itself. Aristotle suggests that tragedies in which the results depend on the cause-and-effect series of actions are greater than those that only rely on the protagonist’s personality and character. Antigone’s decision to offer Polynices a decent burial results in a series of events that destroy Creon’s kingdom. Creon is forced to imprison Antigone, who later commits suicide in her confinement. Haemon, Creon’s son, who is betrothed to Antigone, also commits suicide, and this causes his mother to kill herself. Eventually, the dejected Creon is forced into a self-imposed exile.
Character is the second crucial tragedy theme, and character is meant to support the plot. Aristotle suggests that a plot generates the audiences’ fear and pity if the protagonist’s fortune changes from good to bad. Medea is initially presented as a devoted wife who sacrifices much for the sake of her husband although he mistreats her. However, Medea turns into a villain when she murders her brother and her two children.
The third tragedy theme is “thought” and Aristotle argues that thought exists where a general saying is pronounced. Aristotle demonstrates how speech can reveal the character of a person. Through Antigone’s thoughts, the reader understands that she is courageous and has no fear of breaking Creon’s decree to leave Polynices unburied.
The fourth tragedy theme is “diction” where Aristotle analyzes various technical elements of tragedy such as metaphors. Medea claims “crime is holy” when she is threatened by the consequences of going against Creon. Her statement implies that Creon’s decree was tyrannical, and she was justified to break it.
Another important Aristotle theme of tragedy is “chorus”. Aristotle suggests that the chorus is crucial in plays and that it should add to the plot’s unity. In “Medea,” the chorus of Corinthian women attempt to discourage Medea from her evil plans although they eventually fail.
6. How Antigone, Medea, and Lysistrata are or are not feminist works
“Antigone” is a feminist work because it demonstrates the powers of a woman’s resolve to offer her brother a decent burial even if it endangers her life. Antigone is strong-willed and self-righteous on several occasions. Although she lacks real political power, her decision to bury her brother creates a dilemma to Creon since she does not respect his decrees although she was engaged to his son. Antigone does not regret her decision to perform burial rites on her brother’s body, and she is ready to die because of her actions.
“Medea” is not a feminist work because it reveals the evil nature of scorned women. Medea is initially presented as a dedicated woman who works hard to protect her family. However, Medea’s commitment to her husband causes her to betray her country and murder her brother. As their love turns sour, Medea’s insecurity turns her into a murderous villain who kills her two children. Medea believed that killing her children would break her husband’s heart. Her character is an imperfect representation of women’s nature of selflessly protecting their children.
Lysistrata is a feminist work because it shows how women collectively resist male chauvinism. Women lack political rights in the poem and Lysistrata convinces other women to deny men conjugal rights so that the war that had killed so many could end. Lysistrata argues that the war was affecting women so much because they were losing their husbands and sons.
7. The most compelling or fascinating character from the works and why
The most fascinating character is Odysseus because his story is filled with determination, perseverance, and commitment to his family. Odysseus’s bravery enables him to fight powerful mythical creatures such as the Cyclops. Odysseus manages to resist the beautiful Calypso and the Sirens because he wishes to go back to his wife in Ithaca. Odysseus has the favor of the gods and goddesses who decide to protect his family and him from any harm. When Odysseus arrives at Ithaca, he finds many suitors competing for his wife although he was still alive. However, Odysseus calmly decides to participate in the competition to win back his own wife, and he eventually succeeds in his quest.


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