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Describe the key goals of employee management.

magine that you recently took over your friend’s small retail business and you now have to do the following:

Rename the store

Create new hours of operations

Hire two (2) new part-time employees and two (2) new full-time employees

Address a new plan for building your clients and merchandise, and

Address the issues of the remaining employees from the acquired business, who are disgruntled because you are relocating the store to the center of the town where you live.

Propose two to three (2-3) strategies for targeting customers and information gathering that would use in order to develop your own clientele while maintaining the clients of the acquired retail business.

Develop a plan that details your approach to recruiting and training a new staff while addressing the concerns of the remaining employees related to the proposed store relocation.

Apply the concept of the one-hundred (100) percent location and saturation to your retail store.

Create a design for the most important financial dimensions of your business, and develop a strategic plan for addressing the dimensions that you have indicated.

Create a name, a mission, and a philosophy for your retail store.

Define store hours, including holidays and weekends, and describe the key goals of employee management.

Develop a plan for cultivating an inviting store atmosphere (e.g., music, décor, style of goods provided, services provided, etc.) and a corresponding window display.


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