uestion 1: Challenge of Diversity
One focus of cultural psychology is the comparison of individualistic and collectivistic cultures and an examination of how psychological processes are used to socialize members of a culture. Various psychological processes, including aggression, moral reasoning and identity development, lead to culture-specific and universal attitudes, beliefs, and norms. The implications of these differences in terms of group dynamics are paramount. As you reflect on this week’s Learning Resources, focus on the challenges created by cultural differences and how, as a scholar practitioner, you can address these challenges.
For this, consider two or three challenges brought about by cultural differences between people.
With these thoughts in mind:
Write a description of two current challenges that may arise from cultural differences in today’s world. Then explain two ways you might address those challenges in your professional life. Support your responses using current literature.
Question 2: Social Change
In this course, you may have found it interesting to discover how extensively culture impacts psychology. Culture influences human development, identity and personality, attitudes and beliefs, and healthcare. As a scholar-practitioner, you may want to create a positive social change. In doing so, reflect on your future role as a scholar-practitioner. Consider the possible future research related to culture and psychology you might be interested in conducting. Think about how you may affect social change.
For this, reflect on how learning about the impact of culture on human psychology can help you develop as a scholar-practitioner, dedicated to positive social change.
With these thoughts in mind:
Write a brief description of two topics related to culture that you might be interested in researching further. Then, as a future scholar-practitioner, explain two ways you might impact social change in relation to culture and psychology. Be specific and use examples to illustrate your points.
Please separate questions and give 3 sources each.

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