Analyzation the interfaces between logistics and the core functional areas, its current order cycle, and inventory management.
i) Assignment Submission: All assignment copies are to be handed in to lecturers on the
specific due date agreed upon.
ii) Assignment Brief: Select a manufacturer that you are familiar with and assume that you
are the logistics manager of this organization, analyse the interfaces between logistics and the
core functional areas, its current order cycle, and inventory management. Recommend
improvements by applying the theories and concepts found in logistics management. You are
required to consult and fully reference a MINIMUM of 10 references (e.g., book; www; journal
article from the full-text databases; current affairs magazine; newspaper etc.). The use of
WIKIPEDIA online encyclopedia is NOT allowed. The word range of this essay is about 2,000
The article must fulfill the following requirements:
• More marks will be awarded for reports which provide more detailed discussion and in-
depth analysis with adequate referencing to the logistics concepts and models.
iii) Assignment Format:
The report should be presented as follows:
• Introduction – Outline the background and purpose of this essay (about 100 words) and
provide key information about the selected organization (about 200 words).
• The Interfaces – Analyze the interfaces between logistics and the core functional areas
like production, marketing, accounting and finance of the selected organization and
Recommend improvement by applying logistical theories and concepts. Diagrams are
permitted to help explain concepts (about 500 words).
• Order Cycle – Analyze the current order processing system of the selected organization
and Recommend improvement by applying logistical theories and concepts. Diagrams are
permitted to help explain concepts (about 500 words).
• Inventory Management – Analyze the current inventory management of the selected
organization and Recommend improvement by applying logistical theories and concepts.
Diagrams are permitted to help explain concepts (about 500 words).
• Conclusion – Reinstates all of the parts of the argument and refers the reader back to the
focus that have outlined in the introduction and to the central topic. This gives the report a
sense of unity (about 200 words)
• Referencing – All sources referred to in your essay, including any diagrams, must be
referenced to in-text and be included in a full reference list at the end of the assignment,
according to the APA system of referencing.

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