Unit 3
Use of Concepts
The purpose of this Assignment is to explore the various meanings behind one concept in the field of nursing. It is important to understand that while professionals from various fields will use the same word, they often carry very different meanings. Likewise, it is important for every health professional to be able to explain the meaning/use/interpretation of a term to patients in a way that they can understand. To complete this Assignment, you will explore the various definitions of a single word (concept) and compile a detailed description of theses definitions and interpretations of that word.
To begin, select a word (concept) familiar to you in health care that has multiple interpretations and uses, e.g., heart. The heart is an organ, a muscle, a control center, a source of emotion, etc. Examples to choose from include, but are not limited to:
fail error death innovation quality
team soul spirit research evidence
loneliness hardiness stress grief care
rehabilitation trauma
Feel free to be creative in your choice of terms. You will provide a description of uses, definitions, and varied interpretations of the term using a variety of multiple academic disciplines outside the discipline of nursing. Academic disciplines to choose from include, but are not limited to:
sociology anthropology
psychology political science
economics computer science
religion education
philosophy business
Uses, definitions, and interpretations will be obtained from primary and secondary sources or reliable web sources recognized as credible and authoritative (not dictionaries or Wikipedia). Sources to choose from include, but are not limited to:
periodicals books
government websites professional associations
universities credible/authoritative websites
• Identify the concept and purpose for studying the concept and relevance to nursing practice.
• Conduct a preliminary literature review to identify multiple uses of the concept.
• Describe the various usages of the term.
• Determine the critical attributes of the concept.
• Create a theoretical and operational definition of the concept.
• Using facts, examples, and definitions
• Paragraph development
Pay particular attention to the section on rhetorical modes for developing paragraphs because this is where you will learn how to describe and explain a concept to patients in effective and accurate ways.
To complete this Assignment, you will write a fully developed paragraph (at least five sentences in length) on each definition/use/interpretation of the term you have chosen. For those definitions or uses that pertain to the nursing profession, you will explain the concept in such a way that includes examples, analogies, and self-explanatory descriptions.
• You may choose to apply your Unit 3 concept (Logical reasoning) or you may select another single word (concept) that you have wondered about or discovered in your reading.
• Assignment will focus solely upon the discipline of nursing with the inclusion of nursing scholarly sources to substantiate the literature review.
• You will use at least seven sources for your research on this Assignment. Cite all your references in correct APA format, both in the text and on a reference page. Refer to the APA resources in the
• Use your Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association so that you can cite from some of the non-traditional sources you find.
• Your Assignment will be 3–5 pages including a title page and references page.

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